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Peptide-based Serological Immune Response Framework

Download this project as a .zip file



mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make pepsirf

Alternatively, one can use the included build script.

chmod +x

Both of these options will create a pepsirf executable in the build directory.

If OpenMP is not found on MacOS

First, ensure it is installed:

brew install libomp

Then, open ~./zshrc and add export OpenMP_ROOT=$(brew --prefix)/opt/libomp manually, or use:

echo "export OpenMP_ROOT=$(brew --prefix)/opt/libomp" >> ~/.zshrc

Finally, run:

source ~/.zshrc

Then recompile PepSIRF.

Running Tests

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
make pepsirf_test


Note: Building for HPC Clusters

Some additional arguments may need to be specified, depending upon how your system’s module system is managed. For example on NAU’s Monsoon cluster:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++ -DBOOST_ROOT=/packages/boost/1.66.0-gcc-6.2.0 ..


PepSIRF is a module-based program, and each module has its own set of arguments.

USAGE: pepsirf [ --help | module_name <module_args*> ]
--help, -h displays this message, while 'pepsirf module_name --help' will display the help for the module module_name.

Generating Code Documentation

To create documentation for the code run the following:

cd doc
doxygen doxygen.conf

From here you can either use the html or LaTeX versions. If you choose to use the LaTeX version, run the following:

cd latex

This creates a file named refman.pdf.