Usage: qiime pepsirf deconv-singular [OPTIONS]
converts a list of enriched peptides into a parsimony-based list of likely
taxa to which the assayed individual has likely been exposed with pepsirf's
deconv singular mode module
--i-enriched ARTIFACT single file containing the names of enriched
PeptideIDList peptides, one per line. Each peptide contained in
this file (or files) should have a corresponding
entry in the '--linked' input file. [required]
--i-linked ARTIFACT Name of linkage map to be used for deconvolution. It
Link should be in the format output by the 'link' module.
--i-id-name-map ARTIFACT
PepsirfDMP Optional file containing mappings from taxonomic id
to taxon name. This file should be formatted like the
file 'rankedlineage.dmp' from NCBI. It is recommended
to either use this file or a subset of this file that
contains all of the taxon ids linked to peptides of
interest. If included, the output will contain a
column denoting the name of the species as well as
the id. [optional]
--p-threshold INTEGER Minimum score that a taxon must obtain in order to
beincluded in the deconvolution report. [required]
--p-enriched-file-ending TEXT
Optional flag that specifies what string is expected
at the end of each file containing enriched peptides.
[default: '_enriched.txt']
--p-scoring-strategy TEXT Choices('summation', 'integer', 'fraction')
Scoring strategies 'summation', 'integer', or
'fraction' can be specified. By not including this
flag, summation scoring will be used by default. The
--linked file passed must be of the form created by
the link module. This means a file of tab-delimited
values, one per line. Each line is of the form
peptide_name TAB id:score,id:score, and so on. An
error will occurif input is not in this format. For
summation scoring, the score assigned to each
peptide/ID pair is determined by the ':score' portion
of the --linked file. For example, assume a line in
the --linked file looks like the following: peptide_1
TAB 123:4,543:8 The IDs '123' and '543' will receive
scores of 4 and 8 respectively. For integer scoring,
each ID receives a score of 1 for every enriched
peptide to which it is linked (':score' is ignored).
For fractional scoring, the score is assigned to each
peptide/ID pair is defined by 1/n for each peptide,
where n is the number of IDs to which a peptide is
linked. In this method of scoring peptides, a peptide
with fewer linked IDs is worth more points.
[default: 'summation']
--p-score-filtering / --p-no-score-filtering
Include this option if you want filtering to be done
by the score of each taxon, rather than the count of
linked peptides. If used, any taxon with a score
below '--threshold' will be removed from
consideration, even if it is the highest scoring
taxon. Note that for integer scoring, both score
filtering and count filtering (default) are the same.
If this flag is not included, then any species whose
count falls below '--threshold' will be removed from
consideration. Score filtering is best suited for the
summation scoring method. [default: False]
--p-score-tie-threshold NUMBER
Threshold for two species to be evaluated as a tie.
Note that this value can be either an integer or a
ratio that is in (0,1). When provided as an integer
this value dictates the difference in score that is
allowed for two taxa to be considered as potentially
tied. For example, if this flag is provided with the
value 0, then two or more taxa must have the exact
same score to be tied. If this flag is provided with
the value 4, then the difference between the scores
of two taxa must be no greater than 4 to be
considered tied. For example, if taxon 1 has a score
of 5, and taxon 2 has a score anywhere between the
integer values in [1,9], then these species will be
considered tied, and their tie will be evaluated as
dictated by the specified
'--score-overlap-threshold'. If the argument provided
to this flag is in (0, 1), then the score for a taxon
must be at least this proportion of the score for the
highest scoring taxon, to trigger a tie. So if
species 1 has the highest score with a score of 9,
and species 2 has a score of 5, then this flag must
be provided with value >= 4/5 = 0.8 for the species 1
and 2 to be considered tied. Note that any values
provided to this flag that are in the set { x: x >= 1
} - Z, where Z is the set of integers, will result in
an error. So 4.45 is not a valid value, but both 4
and 0.45 are. [default: 0.0]
--p-score-overlap-threshold NUMBER
Once two species have been determined to be tied,
according to '--score-tie-threshold', they are then
evaluated as a tie. To use integer tie evaluation,
where species must share an integer number of
peptides, not a ratio of their total peptides,
provide this argument with a value in the interval
[1, inf). For ratio tie evaluation, which is used
when this argument is provided with a value in the
interval (0,1), two taxon must reciprocally share at
least the specified proportion of peptides to be
reported together. For example, suppose species 1
shares half (0.5) of its peptides with species 2, but
species 2 only shares a tenth (0.1) of its peptides
with species 1. These two will only be reported
together if score-overlap-threshold' <= 0.1.
[default: 0.0]
--p-single-threaded / --p-no-single-threaded
By default this module uses two threads. Include
this option with no arguments if you only want only
one thread to be used. [default: False]
--p-outfile TEXT The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to
PepSIRF. [default: './deconv.out']
--p-pepsirf-binary TEXT
The binary to call pepsirf on your system.
[default: 'pepsirf']
--o-deconv-output ARTIFACT
DeconvSingluar Name of the file to which output is written. Output
will be in the form of a tab-delimited file with a
header. [required]
--o-score-per-round ARTIFACT
ScorePerRound Name of directory to write counts/scores to after
every round. If included, the counts and scores for
all remaining taxa will be recorded after every
round. Filenames will be written in the format
'$dir/round_x', where x is the round number. The
original scores will be written to '$dir/round_0'. A
new file will be written to the directory after each
subsequent round. If this flag is included and the
specified directory exists, the program will exit
with an error. [required]
--output-dir PATH Output unspecified results to a directory
--verbose / --quiet Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
during execution of this action. Or silence output if
execution is successful (silence is golden).
--example-data PATH Write example data and exit.
--citations Show citations and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
from qiime2.plugins.pepsirf.methods import deconv_singular
pepsirf deconv singular mode module
converts a list of enriched peptides into a parsimony-based list of likely
taxa to which the assayed individual has likely been exposed with pepsirf's
deconv singular mode module
enriched : PeptideIDList
single file containing the names of enriched peptides, one per line.
Each peptide contained in this file (or files) should have a
corresponding entry in the '--linked' input file.
threshold : Int
Minimum score that a taxon must obtain in order to beincluded in the
deconvolution report.
linked : Link
Name of linkage map to be used for deconvolution. It should be in the
format output by the 'link' module.
enriched_file_ending : Str, optional
Optional flag that specifies what string is expected at the end of each
file containing enriched peptides.
scoring_strategy : Str % Choices('summation', 'integer', 'fraction'), optional
Scoring strategies 'summation', 'integer', or 'fraction' can be
specified. By not including this flag, summation scoring will be used
by default. The --linked file passed must be of the form created by the
link module. This means a file of tab-delimited values, one per line.
Each line is of the form peptide_name TAB id:score,id:score, and so on.
An error will occurif input is not in this format. For summation
scoring, the score assigned to each peptide/ID pair is determined by
the ':score' portion of the --linked file. For example, assume a line
in the --linked file looks like the following: peptide_1 TAB
123:4,543:8 The IDs '123' and '543' will receive scores of 4 and 8
respectively. For integer scoring, each ID receives a score of 1 for
every enriched peptide to which it is linked (':score' is ignored). For
fractional scoring, the score is assigned to each peptide/ID pair is
defined by 1/n for each peptide, where n is the number of IDs to which
a peptide is linked. In this method of scoring peptides, a peptide with
fewer linked IDs is worth more points.
score_filtering : Bool, optional
Include this option if you want filtering to be done by the score of
each taxon, rather than the count of linked peptides. If used, any
taxon with a score below '--threshold' will be removed from
consideration, even if it is the highest scoring taxon. Note that for
integer scoring, both score filtering and count filtering (default) are
the same. If this flag is not included, then any species whose count
falls below '--threshold' will be removed from consideration. Score
filtering is best suited for the summation scoring method.
score_tie_threshold : Float, optional
Threshold for two species to be evaluated as a tie. Note that this
value can be either an integer or a ratio that is in (0,1). When
provided as an integer this value dictates the difference in score that
is allowed for two taxa to be considered as potentially tied. For
example, if this flag is provided with the value 0, then two or more
taxa must have the exact same score to be tied. If this flag is
provided with the value 4, then the difference between the scores of
two taxa must be no greater than 4 to be considered tied. For example,
if taxon 1 has a score of 5, and taxon 2 has a score anywhere between
the integer values in [1,9], then these species will be considered
tied, and their tie will be evaluated as dictated by the specified '--
score_overlap_threshold'. If the argument provided to this flag is in
(0, 1), then the score for a taxon must be at least this proportion of
the score for the highest scoring taxon, to trigger a tie. So if
species 1 has the highest score with a score of 9, and species 2 has a
score of 5, then this flag must be provided with value >= 4/5 = 0.8 for
the species 1 and 2 to be considered tied. Note that any values
provided to this flag that are in the set { x: x >= 1 } - Z, where Z is
the set of integers, will result in an error. So 4.45 is not a valid
value, but both 4 and 0.45 are.
score_overlap_threshold : Float, optional
Once two species have been determined to be tied, according to '--
score_tie_threshold', they are then evaluated as a tie. To use integer
tie evaluation, where species must share an integer number of peptides,
not a ratio of their total peptides, provide this argument with a value
in the interval [1, inf). For ratio tie evaluation, which is used when
this argument is provided with a value in the interval (0,1), two taxon
must reciprocally share at least the specified proportion of peptides
to be reported together. For example, suppose species 1 shares half
(0.5) of its peptides with species 2, but species 2 only shares a tenth
(0.1) of its peptides with species 1. These two will only be reported
together if score_overlap_threshold' <= 0.1.
id_name_map : PepsirfDMP, optional
Optional file containing mappings from taxonomic id to taxon name. This
file should be formatted like the file 'rankedlineage.dmp' from NCBI.
It is recommended to either use this file or a subset of this file that
contains all of the taxon ids linked to peptides of interest. If
included, the output will contain a column denoting the name of the
species as well as the id.
single_threaded : Bool, optional
By default this module uses two threads. Include this option with no
arguments if you only want only one thread to be used.
outfile : Str, optional
The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to PepSIRF.
pepsirf_binary : Str, optional
The binary to call pepsirf on your system.
deconv_output : DeconvSingluar
Name of the file to which output is written. Output will be in the form
of a tab-delimited file with a header.
score_per_round : ScorePerRound
Name of directory to write counts/scores to after every round. If
included, the counts and scores for all remaining taxa will be recorded
after every round. Filenames will be written in the format
'$dir/round_x', where x is the round number. The original scores will
be written to '$dir/round_0'. A new file will be written to the
directory after each subsequent round. If this flag is included and the
specified directory exists, the program will exit with an error.