infoSNPN: pepsirf info (samples/peptide names) moduleΒΆ


Usage: qiime pepsirf infoSNPN [OPTIONS]

  Gathers the number of samples and peptides in the matrix using pepsirf's
  info modules

  --i-input ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Normed | NormedDifference |
    NormedDiffRatio | RawCounts | NormedSized]
                       An input score matrix to gather information from.
  --p-get TEXT Choices('samples', 'probes')
                       Specify weather you want to collect sample names or
                       probe/peptide names                          [required]
  --p-outfile TEXT     The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to
                       PepSIRF.                        [default: './info.out']
  --p-pepsirf-binary TEXT
                       The binary to call pepsirf on your system.
                                                          [default: 'pepsirf']
  --o-snpn-output ARTIFACT
    InfoSNPN           InfoSNPN file in the form of a file with no header,
                       one sample name per line.                    [required]
  --output-dir PATH    Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet  Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr during
                       execution of this action. Or silence output if
                       execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH  Write example data and exit.
  --citations          Show citations and exit.
  --help               Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.pepsirf.methods import infoSNPN


pepsirf info (samples/peptide names) module

Gathers the number of samples and peptides in the matrix using pepsirf's
info modules

input : FeatureTable[Normed | NormedDifference | NormedDiffRatio | RawCounts | NormedSized]
    An input score matrix to gather information from.
get : Str % Choices('samples', 'probes')
    Specify weather you want to collect sample names or probe/peptide names
outfile : Str, optional
    The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to PepSIRF.
pepsirf_binary : Str, optional
    The binary to call pepsirf on your system.

snpn_output : InfoSNPN
    InfoSNPN file in the form of a file with no header, one sample name per