norm: pepsirf norm module


Usage: qiime pepsirf norm [OPTIONS]

  Normalize raw count data with pepsirf's norm module

  --i-peptide-scores ARTIFACT FeatureTable[RawCounts | Normed]
                         Name of FeatureTable matrix file containing peptide
                         scores. This file should be in the same format as the
                         output from the demux module.              [required]
  --i-negative-control ARTIFACT FeatureTable[RawCounts | Normed]
                         Name of FeatureTable matrix file containing data for
                         sb samples.                                [optional]
  --p-normalize-approach VALUE Str % Choices('col_sum')¹ | Str %
    Choices('diff')² | Str % Choices('diff_ratio')³ | Str % Choices('ratio')⁴
    | Str % Choices('size_factors')⁵
                         'col_sum': Normalize the scores using a column-sum
                         method. Output per peptide is the score per million
                         for the sample (i.e., summed across all peptides).
                         'size_factors': Normalize the scores using the size
                         factors method (Anders and Huber 2010). 'diff':
                         Normalize the scores using the difference method. For
                         each peptide and sample, the difference between the
                         score and the respective peptide's mean score in the
                         negative controls is determined. 'ratio': Normalize
                         the scores using the ratio method. For each peptide
                         and sample, the ratio of score to the respective
                         peptide's mean score in the negative controls is
                         determined. 'diff_ratio': Normalize the scores using
                         the difference-ratio method. For each peptide and
                         sample, the difference between the score and the
                         respective peptide's mean score in the negative
                         controls is first determined. This difference is then
                         divided by the respective peptide's mean score in the
                         negative controls.               [default: 'col_sum']
  --p-negative-id TEXT   Optional approach for identifying negative controls.
                         Provide a unique string at the start of all negative
                         control samples.                           [optional]
  --p-negative-names TEXT...
    List[Str]            Optional approach for identifying negative controls.
                         Space-separated list of negative control sample
                         names.                                     [optional]
  --p-precision INTEGER  Output score precision. The scores written to the
    Range(0, None)       output will be output to this many decimal places.
                                                                  [default: 2]
  --p-outfile TEXT       The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to
                         PepSIRF.                      [default: './norm.out']
  --p-pepsirf-binary TEXT
                         The binary to call pepsirf on your system.
                                                          [default: 'pepsirf']
  --o-qza-output ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Normed¹ | NormedDifference² |
    NormedDiffRatio³ | NormedRatio⁴ | NormedSized⁵]
                         the FeatureTable (.qza) output based on the
                         normalized approach given by user          [required]
  --output-dir PATH      Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet    Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                         during execution of this action. Or silence output if
                         execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH    Write example data and exit.
  --citations            Show citations and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.pepsirf.methods import norm


pepsirf norm module

Normalize raw count data with pepsirf's norm module

peptide_scores : FeatureTable[RawCounts | Normed]
    Name of FeatureTable matrix file containing peptide scores. This file
    should be in the same format as the output from the demux module.
normalize_approach : Str % Choices('col_sum')¹ | Str % Choices('diff')² | Str % Choices('diff_ratio')³ | Str % Choices('ratio')⁴ | Str % Choices('size_factors')⁵, optional
    'col_sum': Normalize the scores using a column-sum method. Output per
    peptide is the score per million for the sample (i.e., summed across
    all peptides). 'size_factors': Normalize the scores using the size
    factors method (Anders and Huber 2010). 'diff': Normalize the scores
    using the difference method. For each peptide and sample, the
    difference between the score and the respective peptide's mean score in
    the negative controls is determined. 'ratio': Normalize the scores
    using the ratio method. For each peptide and sample, the ratio of score
    to the respective peptide's mean score in the negative controls is
    determined. 'diff_ratio': Normalize the scores using the difference-
    ratio method. For each peptide and sample, the difference between the
    score and the respective peptide's mean score in the negative controls
    is first determined. This difference is then divided by the respective
    peptide's mean score in the negative controls.
negative_control : FeatureTable[RawCounts | Normed], optional
    Name of FeatureTable matrix file containing data for sb samples.
negative_id : Str, optional
    Optional approach for identifying negative controls. Provide a unique
    string at the start of all negative control samples.
negative_names : List[Str], optional
    Optional approach for identifying negative controls. Space-separated
    list of negative control sample names.
precision : Int % Range(0, None), optional
    Output score precision. The scores written to the output will be output
    to this many decimal places.
outfile : Str, optional
    The outfile that will produce a list of inputs to PepSIRF.
pepsirf_binary : Str, optional
    The binary to call pepsirf on your system.

qza_output : FeatureTable[Normed¹ | NormedDifference² | NormedDiffRatio³ | NormedRatio⁴ | NormedSized⁵]
    the FeatureTable (.qza) output based on the normalized approach given
    by user