mutantScatters: Mutant ScattersΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot mutantScatters [OPTIONS]

  Creates a scatterplot for mutant peptides

  --i-zscore ARTIFACT     FeatureTable containing z scores of the normalized
    FeatureTable[Zscore]  read counts. Fist column header must be 'Sequence
                          Name' as produced by pepsirf.             [required]
  --i-reference-file ARTIFACT
    MutantReference       A file containing the reference peptide/probe along
                          with the peptide/probe sequence. Must start with
                          'CodeName'.                               [optional]
  --m-source-file METADATA
  --m-source-column COLUMN  MetadataColumn[Categorical]
                          Metadata file containing all sample names and their
                          source groups.                            [required]
  --m-metadata-file METADATA...
    (multiple arguments   The peptide metadata file that contains all of the
     will be merged)      positions, peptides, references, etc.     [required]
  --p-peptide-header TEXT The name of the header of the pepides.
                                                        [default: 'FeatureID']
  --p-reference-header TEXT
                          The name of the header of the references
                                                        [default: 'Reference']
  --p-x-axis-header TEXT  The name of the header of the x-axis positions to
                          be plotted                     [default: 'Position']
  --p-category-header TEXT
                          The name of the header of the category to color the
                          points by                      [default: 'Category']
  --p-label-header TEXT   The name of the header that conatins the label for
                          the tooltip                       [default: 'Label']
  --p-x-axis-label TEXT   The name to title the x-axis   [default: 'Position']
  --p-y-axis-label TEXT   The name to title the y-axis
                                                      [default: 'Mean Zscore']
  --p-min-wobble NUMBER   The minimum range of the wobble      [default: -0.4]
  --p-max-wobble NUMBER   The maximum range of the wobble         [default: 0]
  --p-wobble / --p-no-wobble
                          Include this flag if you would like the points to
                          be on a wobble                      [default: False]
  --p-scatter-only / --p-no-scatter-only
                          Include this flag if you only want to view the
                          scatterplot                          [default: True]
  --p-scatter-boxplot / --p-no-scatter-boxplot
                          Include this flag if you want to view the
                          scatterplot and the corresponding boxplot.
                                                              [default: False]
  --p-boxplot-only / --p-no-boxplot-only
                          Include this flag if you only want to view the
                          boxplot                             [default: False]
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH       Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet     Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                          during execution of this action. Or silence output
                          if execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH     Write example data and exit.
  --citations             Show citations and exit.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.visualizers import mutantScatters


Mutant Scatters

Creates a scatterplot for mutant peptides

source : MetadataColumn[Categorical]
    Metadata file containing all sample names and their source groups.
metadata : Metadata
    The peptide metadata file that contains all of the positions, peptides,
    references, etc.
zscore : FeatureTable[Zscore]
    FeatureTable containing z scores of the normalized read counts. Fist
    column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.
reference_file : MutantReference, optional
    A file containing the reference peptide/probe along with the
    peptide/probe sequence. Must start with 'CodeName'.
peptide_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header of the pepides.
reference_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header of the references
x_axis_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header of the x-axis positions to be plotted
category_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header of the category to color the points by
label_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header that conatins the label for the tooltip
x_axis_label : Str, optional
    The name to title the x-axis
y_axis_label : Str, optional
    The name to title the y-axis
min_wobble : Float, optional
    The minimum range of the wobble
max_wobble : Float, optional
    The maximum range of the wobble
wobble : Bool, optional
    Include this flag if you would like the points to be on a wobble
scatter_only : Bool, optional
    Include this flag if you only want to view the scatterplot
scatter_boxplot : Bool, optional
    Include this flag if you want to view the scatterplot and the
    corresponding boxplot.
boxplot_only : Bool, optional
    Include this flag if you only want to view the boxplot

visualization : Visualization