proteinHeatmap: Protein Alignment HeatmapΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot proteinHeatmap [OPTIONS]

  Creates a heatmap based on the alignment of peptides in the enriched

  --i-enriched-dir ARTIFACT
    PairwiseEnrichment   A PairwiseEnrichment semantic type or .qza. This
                         file is the output of q2-pepsirf's enrich module
  --i-protein-alignment ARTIFACT
    ProteinAlignment     A directory containing a tab delimited file
                         containing the protein and the filepath to the
                         associated alignment file. The file should start with
                         the header as 'ProtName' and be named 'manifest.tsv'.
                         And the files containing the protein alignment
                         information                                [required]
  --p-enriched-suffix TEXT
                         The outfile suffix of the enriched peptide files.
                                                    [default: '_enriched.txt']
  --p-align-header TEXT  The name of the header to which identifies the
                         alignment positions separated by the align-delim
                         (Example column: '1~2~3~4').    [default: 'AlignPos']
  --p-align-delim TEXT   The deliminator that separates the alignment
                         positions.                             [default: '~']
  --p-include-species / --p-no-include-species
                         Use if alignment file(s) include a 'Species' column.
                                                              [default: False]
  --p-species-header TEXT
                         The name of the header to which identifies the
                         species column                   [default: 'Species']
  --p-color-scheme TEXT  String of the name of a color scheme for the
                         heatmap. Color schemes can be found here:
                                                          [default: 'viridis']
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH      Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet    Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                         during execution of this action. Or silence output if
                         execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH    Write example data and exit.
  --citations            Show citations and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.visualizers import proteinHeatmap


Protein Alignment Heatmap

Creates a heatmap based on the alignment of peptides in the enriched

enriched_dir : PairwiseEnrichment
    A PairwiseEnrichment semantic type or .qza. This file is the output of
    q2-pepsirf's enrich module
protein_alignment : ProteinAlignment
    A directory containing a tab delimited file containing the protein and
    the filepath to the associated alignment file. The file should start
    with the header as 'ProtName' and be named 'manifest.tsv'. And the
    files containing the protein alignment information
enriched_suffix : Str, optional
    The outfile suffix of the enriched peptide files.
align_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header to which identifies the alignment positions
    separated by the align_delim (Example column: '1~2~3~4').
align_delim : Str, optional
    The deliminator that separates the alignment positions.
include_species : Bool, optional
    Use if alignment file(s) include a 'Species' column.
species_header : Str, optional
    The name of the header to which identifies the species column
color_scheme : Str, optional
    String of the name of a color scheme for the heatmap. Color schemes can
    be found here:

visualization : Visualization