readCountsBoxplot: Read Counts BoxPlotΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot readCountsBoxplot [OPTIONS]

  Creates a boxplot for the read counts/ sum of probes

  --i-read-counts ARTIFACT
    InfoSumOfProbes     InfoSumOfProbes file, The first entry in each column
                        will be the name of the sample, and the second will be
                        the sum of the peptide/probe scores for the sample.
  --p-png-out-dir TEXT  The name of the directory to wich to write the .png
                        output files to                        [default: './']
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH     Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet   Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr during
                        execution of this action. Or silence output if
                        execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH   Write example data and exit.
  --citations           Show citations and exit.
  --help                Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.visualizers import readCountsBoxplot


Read Counts BoxPlot

Creates a boxplot for the read counts/ sum of probes

read_counts : InfoSumOfProbes
    InfoSumOfProbes file, The first entry in each column will be the name
    of the sample, and the second will be the sum of the peptide/probe
    scores for the sample.
png_out_dir : Str, optional
    The name of the directory to wich to write the .png output files to

visualization : Visualization