repScatters: Rep ScatterΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot repScatters [OPTIONS]

  Creates a scatterplot for reps of Col-sum data or reps of z score data

  --i-zscore ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Zscore]
                        FeatureTable containing z scores of the normalized
                        read counts. Fist column header must be 'Sequence
                        Name' as produced by pepsirf.               [optional]
  --i-col-sum ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Normed]
                        FeatureTable containing normalized read counts of
                        samples and peptides. First column header must be
                        'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.     [optional]
  --m-source-file METADATA
  --m-source-column COLUMN  MetadataColumn[Categorical]
                        Metadata file containing all sample names and their
                        source groups. Used to create pairs tsv to run pepsirf
                        enrich module.                              [optional]
  --p-user-spec-pairs TEXT...
    List[Str]           !!!Write a description!!!                   [optional]
  --p-pn-filepath TEXT  Filepath of .tsv pairs file generated by standalone
                        autopepsirf python script, containing all sample
                        pairings, typically ending in '_PN.tsv'. (Depricated)
  --p-plot-log / --p-no-plot-log
                        Use if you want axes to be shown on a log-scale.
                                                              [default: False]
  --p-facet-charts / --p-no-facet-charts
                        Allows for view of all tables on one page instead of
                        the available dropdown menu.          [default: False]
  --p-xy-threshold INTEGER
                        Highlight the outliers of the plot and add a
                        hoverable tooltip to view what they are.    [optional]
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH     Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet   Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr during
                        execution of this action. Or silence output if
                        execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH   Write example data and exit.
  --citations           Show citations and exit.
  --help                Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.visualizers import repScatters


Rep Scatter

Creates a scatterplot for reps of Col-sum data or reps of z score data

source : MetadataColumn[Categorical], optional
    Metadata file containing all sample names and their source groups. Used
    to create pairs tsv to run pepsirf enrich module.
user_spec_pairs : List[Str], optional
    !!!Write a description!!!
pn_filepath : Str, optional
    Filepath of .tsv pairs file generated by standalone autopepsirf python
    script, containing all sample pairings, typically ending in '_PN.tsv'.
plot_log : Bool, optional
    Use if you want axes to be shown on a log-scale.
zscore : FeatureTable[Zscore], optional
    FeatureTable containing z scores of the normalized read counts. Fist
    column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.
col_sum : FeatureTable[Normed], optional
    FeatureTable containing normalized read counts of samples and peptides.
    First column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.
facet_charts : Bool, optional
    Allows for view of all tables on one page instead of the available
    dropdown menu.
xy_threshold : Int, optional
    Highlight the outliers of the plot and add a hoverable tooltip to view
    what they are.

visualization : Visualization