zenrich-tsv: zenrich TSV PipelineΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot zenrich-tsv [OPTIONS]

  Pipeline that converts .tsv files to .qza files and then runs zenrich.

  --p-data-filepath TEXT  Filepath of .tsv file containing normalized read
                          counts of samples and peptides. First column header
                          must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.
  --p-zscores-filepath TEXT
                          Filepath of .tsv file containing z scores of the
                          normalized read counts. Fist column header must be
                          'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.   [required]
  --p-flex-reps / --p-no-flex-reps
                                                              [default: False]
  --p-negative-controls TEXT...
    List[Str]             Sample names of the negative controls to be used
                          (Example argument: --p-negative-controls sample1
                          sample2 sample3).                         [optional]
  --p-negative-id TEXT                                              [optional]
  --m-source-file METADATA
  --m-source-column COLUMN  MetadataColumn[Categorical]
                          Metadata file containing all sample names and their
                          source groups. Used to create pairs tsv to run
                          pepsirf enrich module.                    [optional]
  --p-pn-filepath TEXT    Filepath of .tsv pairs file generated by standalone
                          autopepsirf python script, containing all sample
                          pairings, typically ending in '_PN.tsv'.
                          (Depricated)                              [optional]
  --m-peptide-metadata-file METADATA...
    (multiple arguments   Filename of file that contains peptide metadata
     will be merged)      related to data to be plotted. First column header
                          must be id or one of the options found on:
                          #identifier-column                        [optional]
  --p-tooltip TEXT...     List of title names found in the peptide metadata
    List[Str]             file to be added to the hover tooltip (Parameter is
                          case sensitive. Example argument: --p-tooltip
                          Species SpeciesID). 'Peptide' and 'Zscores' will
                          always be added to the list of titles, if peptide
                          metadata is not provided just 'Peptide' and
                          'Zscores' will be shown.
                                           [default: ['Species', 'SpeciesID']]
  --p-color-by TEXT       A column within the metadata file to base the
                          coloring of the enriched peptide points. This
                          parameter is case sensitive and the default is the
                          different zscore thresholds.
                                                [default: 'z_score_threshold']
  --p-negative-data-filepath TEXT
                          Filepath of .tsv file containing normalized read
                          counts of controls and peptides. First column header
                          must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by pepsirf.
  --p-highlighted-probes-filepath TEXT
                          A InfoSNPN file that contains a list of
                          probes/peptides to highlight.             [optional]
  --p-step-z-thresh INTEGER
    Range(1, None)        Integar to increment z-score thresholds.
                                                                  [default: 5]
  --p-upper-z-thresh INTEGER
    Range(2, None)        Upper limit of z-score thresholds (non-inclusive).
                                                                 [default: 30]
  --p-lower-z-thresh INTEGER
    Range(1, None)        Lower limit of z-score thresholds (inclusive).
                                                                  [default: 5]
  --p-exact-z-thresh TEXT...
    List[Str]             List of exact z score thresholds either individual
                          or combined. List MUST BE in descending order.
                          (Example argument: '--p-exact-z-thresh 25 10 3' or
                          '--p-exact-z-thresh 6,25 4,10 1,3')       [optional]
  --p-exact-cs-thresh TEXT
                          A single col-sum threshold. Default 20.
                                                               [default: '20']
  --p-pepsirf-binary TEXT The binary to call pepsirf on your system. Used to
                          call pepsirf enrich module.     [default: 'pepsirf']
  --o-zenrich-vis VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH       Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet     Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                          during execution of this action. Or silence output
                          if execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --recycle-pool TEXT     Use a cache pool for pipeline resumption. QIIME 2
                          will cache your results in this pool for reuse by
                          future invocations. These pool are retained until
                          deleted by the user. If not provided, QIIME 2 will
                          create a pool which is automatically reused by
                          invocations of the same action and removed if the
                          action is successful. Note: these pools are local to
                          the cache you are using.
  --no-recycle            Do not recycle results from a previous failed
                          pipeline run or save the results from this run for
                          future recycling.
  --parallel              Execute your action in parallel. This flag will use
                          your default parallel config.
  --parallel-config FILE  Execute your action in parallel using a config at
                          the indicated path.
  --use-cache DIRECTORY   Specify the cache to be used for the intermediate
                          work of this pipeline. If not provided, the default
                          cache under $TMP/qiime2/ will be used.
                          IMPORTANT FOR HPC USERS: If you are on an HPC system
                          and are using parallel execution it is important to
                          set this to a location that is globally accessible
                          to all nodes in the cluster.
  --example-data PATH     Write example data and exit.
  --citations             Show citations and exit.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.pipelines import zenrich_tsv


zenrich TSV Pipeline

Pipeline that converts .tsv files to .qza files and then runs zenrich.

data_filepath : Str
    Filepath of .tsv file containing normalized read counts of samples and
    peptides. First column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by
zscores_filepath : Str
    Filepath of .tsv file containing z scores of the normalized read
    counts. Fist column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by
flex_reps : Bool, optional
negative_controls : List[Str], optional
    Sample names of the negative controls to be used (Example argument:
    --p-negative-controls sample1 sample2 sample3).
negative_id : Str, optional
source : MetadataColumn[Categorical], optional
    Metadata file containing all sample names and their source groups. Used
    to create pairs tsv to run pepsirf enrich module.
pn_filepath : Str, optional
    Filepath of .tsv pairs file generated by standalone autopepsirf python
    script, containing all sample pairings, typically ending in '_PN.tsv'.
peptide_metadata : Metadata, optional
    Filename of file that contains peptide metadata related to data to be
    plotted. First column header must be id or one of the options found on:
tooltip : List[Str], optional
    List of title names found in the peptide metadata file to be added to
    the hover tooltip (Parameter is case sensitive. Example argument:
    --p-tooltip Species SpeciesID). 'Peptide' and 'Zscores' will always be
    added to the list of titles, if peptide metadata is not provided just
    'Peptide' and 'Zscores' will be shown.
color_by : Str, optional
    A column within the metadata file to base the coloring of the enriched
    peptide points. This parameter is case sensitive and the default is the
    different zscore thresholds.
negative_data_filepath : Str, optional
    Filepath of .tsv file containing normalized read counts of controls and
    peptides. First column header must be 'Sequence Name' as produced by
highlighted_probes_filepath : Str, optional
    A InfoSNPN file that contains a list of probes/peptides to highlight.
step_z_thresh : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    Integar to increment z-score thresholds.
upper_z_thresh : Int % Range(2, None), optional
    Upper limit of z-score thresholds (non-inclusive).
lower_z_thresh : Int % Range(1, None), optional
    Lower limit of z-score thresholds (inclusive).
exact_z_thresh : List[Str], optional
    List of exact z score thresholds either individual or combined. List
    MUST BE in descending order. (Example argument: '--p-exact-z-thresh 25
    10 3' or '--p-exact-z-thresh 6,25 4,10 1,3')
exact_cs_thresh : Str, optional
    A single col-sum threshold. Default 20.
pepsirf_binary : Str, optional
    The binary to call pepsirf on your system. Used to call pepsirf enrich

zenrich_vis : Visualization