zscatter: Z Score Scatter VisualizationΒΆ


Usage: qiime ps-plot zscatter [OPTIONS]

  Creates a scatter plot using Z scores from two samples. A spline line can
  also be added. Significant points can also be highlighted by passing
  metadata, as well.

  --i-zscores ARTIFACT FeatureTable[Zscore]
                         Matrix of Z scores.                        [required]
  --p-pairs-file TEXT    Tab delimited (TSV) file with a pair of sample
                         replicates on each line.                   [required]
  --p-p-val-access TEXT  Column name with data to compare to
                         'highlight-threshold' which will be considered for
                         highlighting.                              [optional]
  --p-le-peps-access TEXT
                         Column name with data to use in tooltip.   [optional]
  --p-taxa-access TEXT   Column name with taxa names to use when
                         highlighting.                              [optional]
  --p-spline-file TEXT   Tab delimited (TSV) file with spline results. The
                         first timepoint provides the x coordinates, and the
                         second provides the y coordinates.         [optional]
  --p-highlight-data TEXT
                         Path to a file or a directory with multiple files
                         which contain information needed to highlight
                         significant taxa. The file(s) should be tab delimited
                         (TSV format).                              [optional]
  --p-highlight-threshold NUMBER
                         Maximum p-value a taxa can have to be highlighted.
                         Anything above this threshold will not be considered
                         'significant'.                        [default: 0.05]
  --o-visualization VISUALIZATION
  --output-dir PATH      Output unspecified results to a directory
  --verbose / --quiet    Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr
                         during execution of this action. Or silence output if
                         execution is successful (silence is golden).
  --example-data PATH    Write example data and exit.
  --citations            Show citations and exit.
  --help                 Show this message and exit.


from qiime2.plugins.ps_plot.visualizers import zscatter


Z Score Scatter Visualization

Creates a scatter plot using Z scores from two samples. A spline line can
also be added. Significant points can also be highlighted by passing
metadata, as well.

zscores : FeatureTable[Zscore]
    Matrix of Z scores.
pairs_file : Str
    Tab delimited (TSV) file with a pair of sample replicates on each line.
p_val_access : Str, optional
    Column name with data to compare to 'highlight_threshold' which will be
    considered for highlighting.
le_peps_access : Str, optional
    Column name with data to use in tooltip.
taxa_access : Str, optional
    Column name with taxa names to use when highlighting.
spline_file : Str, optional
    Tab delimited (TSV) file with spline results. The first timepoint
    provides the x coordinates, and the second provides the y coordinates.
highlight_data : Str, optional
    Path to a file or a directory with multiple files which contain
    information needed to highlight significant taxa. The file(s) should be
    tab delimited (TSV format).
highlight_threshold : Float, optional
    Maximum p-value a taxa can have to be highlighted. Anything above this
    threshold will not be considered 'significant'.

visualization : Visualization